Director of the Barzingi Institute; host of the show “Read the Book of Allah” which is specific to the correcting of the recitation of others; host of the show “Journey with the Quran”; host of the show “And seek provision” which is televised on the Baghdad TV satellite channel. He has also appeared on the show “Katateeb” specializing in teaching the Noble Quran to young children through a clear broadcast. He has over 10 years of experience in teaching the Noble Quran to Arabs, Non-Arabs, men, women, young and old. He has Ijaza for the 10 canonical recitations of the Quran and has attained certificates for recitation of the Quran from the Jordanian Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic affairs for Foundational Level One, Completionary Level Two, and Advanced Level Three.
Dler Al Barzingi - CEO/Founder

He has over 10 years of experience in teaching the Noble Quran to the young and old and is working as the head of Tajweed and Recitation at the Council of The Preservation of the Noble Quran since 2010 till the present day.
M. A. Khalawi - Qur'an Teacher

She has attained the Ijaza of the Noble Quran for the recitation of ‘Aasim from Hafs and Shu’ba through the channels of the Shatibiyyah and Taybat al-Nashr.
She also has an Ijaza from the Council of the Islamic Sister in Baghdad and from the Council of The Preservation of the Noble Quran in Jordan. She has also achieved a Bachelors Degree in the Arabic Language. She has also studied arabic from various Shaykhs among them the Shaykhah Warqaa al-Jawadi from the Council of the Islamic Sister in Iraq and Shaykh Ali Hani in Jordan. She is also certified to teach the Qaidah al-Nuraniyyah and she has over 15 years of experience in teaching the Noble Quran and the Arabic language to the old, young, Arab and Non-Arab.